

Welcome to HustlePretty.Co Magazine. The edition where women are empowered through work ethic, self love, emotional intelligence, ambition, leadership, and all things hustle!

XO, Christi

Taking The Tech World By Storm with Michelle Stansbury

Taking The Tech World By Storm with Michelle Stansbury

At the young age of 26, Michelle is taking the tech world by storm and advocating for entrepreneurs everywhere. Being the CEO of Boxxbury Marketing, Michelle and her team help businesses and entrepreneurs hit their revenue goals by teaching or servicing them on how to proactively prospect and sell via social media. Michelle is a woman who knows how to rise to the top while taking others up with her. Structuring her business around guiding other entrepreneurs on their road to success is an incredibly powerful message to leaders everywhere. When you stand and radiate with passion and purpose, there is room for everyone at the top. Michelle’s confidence and leadership promotes the voice of all businesses by valuing their hard work and providing them the resources to find their own version of success.

Check out the full interview with Michelle below!

Q: What life advice would you give to your younger self and why?

A: I’m only 26, so I still feel pretty young but I would say —trust the process. I believe we are all on our individual journeys, that everything happens for us and to guide us. Especially the hard things. We are exactly where we are meant to be, learning what we are meant to learn, when we are meant to learn it. Consistency and faith go hand in hand when you aren’t seeing results just yet. They say that the version of you that is required to achieve your dreams isn’t the version of you that you are currently and I completely believe that. Sometimes hard lessons and mistakes are our greatest catalyst for change so we have to go through those times to become the version of ourselves that can achieve our vision.

Q: Do you have a mantra/ quote that you live by?

A: Growing up my dad constantly said: “If at first you don’t succeed, try try again.” It was his way of reminding us to never give up even if and when we made mistakes. I love it but I have changed it to: “If at first you don’t succeed, adapt and try again.”

 Mistakes, even big ones, are inevitable. It’s what happens when we try to do something big and exciting. Take the lesson that mistakes teach you, adapt, then try again.

Q: What do you believe is the most powerful quality a person can bring into the work force and why?

A: A strong vision of what you want your future to be and that you absolutely, unequivocally deserve it. That will cause you to show up as your best self, do your best work day after day, and keep your eyes open for the opportunities that will bring that future to light.

Q: What daily habits/routines do you set in order to protect your feminine energy?

A: I may have a different opinion about feminine and masculine energy. To me, labeling energy as feminine vs. masculine is like saying that being outspoken, competitive, and science-oriented isn’t feminine. I think a lot of that is just social conditioning. On average in a day, I am in communication with over 70 entrepreneurs. I feel a big responsibility to be in a mode that’s in flow instead of pushing or pulling and discovering where I can be of highest service. I use both energies in my service to clients. What some people call “masculine” is the data-oriented, methodical strategy that I provide and what people might refer to as “feminine” is the flowy, nurturing side that I use to empathize, encourage, and relate with entrepreneurs. I use both in work and out of it. To me it’s just energy. I foster both through meditation, intensive training in things like data science and coding (I’m going through MIT’s curriculum), quieter activities that feel receptive like watching a sunset or having a drink and deep conversation. We choose our energy and we choose what levels we want to have. I don’t buy that you have to primarily use masculine energy to get ahead in business. It’s up to us.

Q: What does self-love mean to you and how do you incorporate it into your career?

A: Positive thinking and self-talk is massive. I do a lot of inner work to uncover what is holding me back and to change my thought patterns. I also believe in doing more of what makes me feel guided and in flow. Whether you call it faith or intuition, it’s telling us what to do, who to talk to, and how to go about our lives and I work hard to listen. I think life gets preposterously and unnecessarily difficult when we don’t. If you get a bad feeling about someone, don’t stick around to find out what that is. If you know freedom is one of your number one values (me over here) don’t lock yourself in careers or businesses that will make you feel chained in the long term. If you think you should travel for 3 months (highly recommended), find a way to make it happen.  If that means going against the socially acceptable and prescribed path, awesome. You are meant for more than to work and follow the exact same routine until you die. That’s living life asleep. That’s never been my style. Question everything, have faith, know that you are always guided. You just have to listen. I think that is the ultimate version of self love.

 Michelle’s closing thoughts: 

Empowering entrepreneurs is a big passion of mine. Right now, my Instagram receives 20,000 views a week and it’s all content about growing your business, mindset, inspiration, and marketing. If that’s the kind of content you are loving these days, be sure to check out my Instagram @theblondefixer.

Instagram: @theblondefixer

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