

Welcome to HustlePretty.Co Magazine. The edition where women are empowered through work ethic, self love, emotional intelligence, ambition, leadership, and all things hustle!

XO, Christi

The Wonder Woman of The Eco Friendly World: An Interview with Mary Phan

The Wonder Woman of The Eco Friendly World: An Interview with Mary Phan

Social media gets its fair share of clapbacks but I have to admit, I find it extremely powerful. It has the ability to connect us with people, stories, and messages from all across the globe. There are virtual connections available at the tip of our fingers which can spark an inner revolution to get back into rhythm and chase those dreams we’ve been hiding. 

Mary Phan was one of those women for me. I recently published a post saying I was looking for inspirational women to feature in the launch of this new online magazine. Mary reached out with magnetic energy and unbeatable confidence. I was mesmerized by her passion and just had to know more. 

Once I connected with Mary, I sent her some interview questions that I could share with all of you. And let me tell you, her story is heartfelt, genuine, and full of resiliency. It brought tears to my eyes as I read it because if only we all used our darkest days to create more light, what a world we would live in. All the praise to Mary for paving the way!

Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself and your hustle - i.e. business, entrepreneurship, side hustle, career(s), etc.

A: I am an eco-entrepreneur and the founder of HotPug.com. 

There is a collection of stories behind the creation. But, if I had to put it shortly, it originated because I wanted to make a difference in the world.

I think it all started when I was a very young child. One day, my mother disappeared and my father rarely came home. I would sit there crying desperately for hours (or so it seemed like hours) until I stopped crying. I would get hungry and scramble to look around for food. 

I like to use the word “disappear” instead of “abandon,” because my mother did eventually come back to snatch me away from an absent father, which I did not mind too much. I barely knew him.  He would forget to bring me food often and I ended up waking up in the hospital. 

But, then soon enough, I realized that my mom coming back for me was really when my darkest nightmare started... Don’t get me wrong, I do not hate my mother. In fact, I love her very much. That is exactly why it hurts so much.

 Life is complicated...I felt sad, lonely, angry...skipping forward, the best thing I ever experienced was the kindness from strangers who helped me on my way up and showed me love. Even acts as simple as handing me a piece of napkin while tears rolled down my face silently at the bus station...

I want to give back that love to the world.

 I'm not rich nor powerful, but I see the pollution problem and I want to be part of the solution.

 At times, I would ask myself, who am I to even try to fix this problem? Of course I had my doubts. As women, we may have many doubts but we are courageous anyways.

 I believe if women were able to find out what they truly wanted sooner, they would have more confidence in their own capabilities; if women had confidence in their own capabilities, they would dare to dream bigger; if women dared to dream bigger and take action sooner, they could live a much more meaningful life. One that is deeply satisfying.

 If women, like me, would have found ourselves sooner, had the courage to dream bigger, to take action, we could achieve so much more. I believe it all starts with introspection and with writing, in which anyone can unlock their true potentials. Think of all the badass girls out there making a difference in the world and kicking some serious ass. Who says the next Jeff Benzo, Elon Musk, Warren Buffet… cannot be a woman?

Saving the planet makes my heart sing. I want to return the kindness from strangers who helped me all the way up. Standing with dignity like a human being should. By being a part of the solution, I help to save their home (planet earth), our home.

I'm not perfect but at least I'm trying. No matter how little the impact. 

Someday becoming a Big Eco E-commerce CEO, TED talk speaker and best-selling book author makes my heart sing to think about. They are all so inspiring. I believe I can do it, too. In time, I will. Maybe not all, but who knows? When I talk, a lot of people tell me I'm very inspirational. They just quiet down and listen. I can speak for hours but of course 18 mins is optimal. 

This is just the beginning. I dream big and it is scary. I wake up in the middle of the night shocked by my ambition and drive. I have been downplaying most of my life helping other people doing numerous things. If no one else knows I am capable, I know I am. What is there to be scared of?  If I fail, who would care anyways?

I started this company in February 2019 and have been working on it for a few months now. 

The Launch is taking longer than expected because I have been struggling to find the right supplier with the best eco-friendly material to produce our journals.

We could have just come out with any kind of journal, but we do not want to compromise. 

 HotPug Journals are Eco-friendly journals designed by women for women. Helping women unleash the fire within them, unlocking true potentials and opening up doors to a better future.

 Q: What life advice would you give to your younger self and why?

 A: Seek love and approval from within. Invest heavily in yourself. Spend time feeding your soul, heart and mind. Read lots, write lots, color lots and never forget to have fun! Travel and go experience the world. Find yourself first and then find new friends who align with your value. Go for it with full force and best intentions. Do anything but waste time.

Q: Do you have a mantra/ quote that you live by?

A: “Profit will come if you do the right thing” -Mary Phan

(Yes, I just quoted myself, because I believe women should have the confidence to promote themselves)”

Q: What do you believe is the most powerful quality a person can bring into the work force and why?

A: Audacity because life is too short to be boring.

Q: What daily habits/routines do you set in order to protect your feminine energy?


-Drink plenty of warm water

-Read lots of books (especially the ones written by women)

-Write genuinely, furiously and passionately

-Coloring mandalas for creativity, serenity and sanity of the ultra-busy entrepreneur life.

-Go to the gym 

-Food makes me happy!

-Face masks and foot soaks

-Meditate twice a day

-Support other small business owners (especially women owners) as much as I can

-and much more…

Q: What does self-love mean to you and how do you incorporate it into your hustle?

A: I work with my face-mask on. Work while soaking my feet. Exercise while listening to audiobooks.  Put on a timer to stop working every 25 minutes and take a break; otherwise, I can work for hours on end. Eating food that makes me happy. 

Other than doing what I love as my work, I simultaneously take care of myself and show myself as much self-love as possible.

Instagram: @hotpug

Taking The Tech World By Storm with Michelle Stansbury

Taking The Tech World By Storm with Michelle Stansbury