

Welcome to HustlePretty.Co Magazine. The edition where women are empowered through work ethic, self love, emotional intelligence, ambition, leadership, and all things hustle!

XO, Christi

The Good Love Girl: An Interview with Stephanie Churma

The Good Love Girl: An Interview with Stephanie Churma

Tough love. Self love. REAL love.

Stephanie is your go-to girl when it comes to healing toxic patterns and finding a deeper love within yourself in order to attract the love you want to receive in return. I have personally had the incredible privilege of working closely with Stephanie and was beyond amazed at the amount of power she was able to pull out of me.

And that’s what it’s all about.

YOU have the power inside of you—the power to love, to heal, and to express yourself and your worth. Unfortunately, a heartbreaking amount of us adopt patterns overtime, underselling our own potential and value because of bottom-level opinions and reflected beliefs others have projected onto us. Fortuantely, we are all strong enough to recognize that hurt people, hurt people. Therefore, healing yourself FIRST is by no means selfish. It’s a silent act of revolt against the toxic cycle of harming another. It’s time to start that revolution!

Ladies, check out this woman’s work and attract nothing but GOOD LOVE into your life.

Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself and your hustle - i.e. business, entrepreneurship, side hustle, career(s), etc.

A: I’m a Relationship Coach, expert and speaker, mentoring smart successful women on how to align with the best love they’ve ever felt. I created The Good Love Company because I knew after my own personal heart-healing I had to help other women. I guide women into aligning with love through self- discovery. I don’t teach tactic or manipulation, rather we work to heal patterns and belief systems of the self so that you can be an energetic match for the man you’re calling in. It’s MAN-ifesting at a whole new level.

Q: What life advice would you give to your younger self and why?

A: I’d tell my younger self that you’re gonna be OK. You will fall in love with someone who sees your magic. You will have the strength to leave people who don’t. You will become whole and your struggles will be your teachings one day, so be grateful for every mountain you climbed because you’re showing people what’s possible.

Q: Do you have a mantra/ quote that you live by?

A: The Best is Yet To Come.

I love this quote because we will only see the gold if we keep digging. There is no plan B. There is no net. This is a faith game. If you knew your work was meant for you, how would you show up every day? Declare your magic.

Q: What do you believe is the most powerful quality a person can bring into the work force and why?

A: Tenacity. You MUST be resourceful and relentless. You MUST find creative solutions to your temporary problems. Quitting isn’t an option so you better have some grit.

Q: What daily habits/routines do you set in order to protect your feminine energy?

A: Coffee and silence for the first half hour of my day. It’s hard with two babies and a husband who is a stay at home dad — but in order to get my energy right, in order to create and serve my clients, I need to feel fresh and clear.

Q: What does self-love mean to you and how do you incorporate it into your hustle?

A: Self-love in hustle is DISCIPLINE. One of my coaches taught me that, “discipline equals freedom,” and it’s so true. Showing up every day without resentment is required. I can’t tell you how many people enter the online space and act like they are owed clients and status off the hop. The entitlement is jarring. You have to earn your audience. You have to do the things. You can’t post on Instagram once and then get pissy because nobody knows who you are. I built my company through blood, sweat, and tears. I worked my ass off. I learned. I ebbed and flowed. I invested. I made mistakes. I got better. Discipline is self-love.

Stephanie’s Closing Thoughts:

If you want to create a big life, you need to rise up to become the person who can hold that. Entrepreneurship is not easy, it’s going to take all of you to keep going. But if you know you need to build something; make an impact, have the world know who you are, you BETTER be the best at what you do and make sure you’re embodying what you’re teaching.

Instagram: @goodloveco Website: goodloveco.com

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