

Welcome to HustlePretty.Co Magazine. The edition where women are empowered through work ethic, self love, emotional intelligence, ambition, leadership, and all things hustle!

XO, Christi

What It Means To Live Your Best F*ing Life with Sarah Ordo

What It Means To Live Your Best F*ing Life with Sarah Ordo

Sarah is someone I’ve been following for many years now and she really is the trick of all trades! Aside from her incredibly personable nature, wealth of experience, and ability to balance a multitude of successful endeavors; Sarah has designed the roadmap for others to live their best lives too through her own inspirational stories and insights.

Being the CEO of 24Luxe Hair & Makeup in her hometown of Detroit, Sarah is also a self-published best-selling author, podcast host, YouTuber, life coach, workshop creator, and local event organizer. Impressive, right?!

I loved Sarah’s interview because while we can see that she certainly hustles her booty off, she also holds it as a priority to put herself and her health (mental, physical, emotional) first. This is a common pitfall for most entrepreneurs out there, myself included. It can be challenging when you’re passionate about so many things to be sure that you’re slowing down enough to take the time for yourself. Often, when the ideas and projects get moving and the momentum is flowing, it’s easy to drown out your own needs within the shuffle.

Read Sarah’s full interview below to hear her advice on the subject! Also, be sure to check out her website, social media handles, and other content for continuous guidance, support, and motivation.

 Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself and your hustle- i.e. business, entrepreneurship, side hustle, career(s), etc.

A: I am your not-so-typical millennial girl, just craving to make moves and leave her mark on the world! I'm a bit of a do-it-all kind of girl and seriously do ALL the things. I am an entrepreneur and the owner of 24Luxe Hair & Makeup here in Detroit, an on-location hair and makeup team for weddings and events. I am also a licensed makeup artist, self-published author, podcast host, YouTuber, life coach, workshop creator, and have most recently begun organizing live local events!

Q: What life advice would you give to your younger self and why?

A: You don’t need other peoples’ approval or permission to do things your way!

Q: Do you have a mantra/ quote that you live by?

A: Every morning I tell myself ‘I am living the life of my wildest dreams.’ I love starting the day on a positive and high vibe!

Q: What do you believe is the most powerful quality a person can bring into the work force and why?

A: Passion and drive are so critical in being successful in whatever you are doing. If you don’t have passion and your heart is not in what you are doing, you will never give it 110%. I believe drive is the other half because if you are not motivated and wanting to actually work hard at the things you want to accomplish, then they will never be as amazing and big as they could be.

Q: What daily habits/routines do you set in order to protect your feminine energy?

A: My mornings are SO special to me. I wake up early (around 6am) every day and I use the first part of my morning to set my tone for the day. I make my coffee, I read, I pray, meditate, etc. I make sure that I start my day protecting my feminine energy and setting the right tone. I tend to shift into a more masculine energy when I am working, so I think starting the day like this helps me to balance things out better.

Q: What does self-love mean to you and how do you incorporate it into your hustle?

A: Self-love means taking care of myself first in my world. This is something I’ve had to be intentional about because, in the past, I often overworked myself. I make sure that I incorporate time each day to do things that make me feel taken care of. Whether that be cooking a nourishing meal, watching the Real Housewives in bed with my dogs, getting a massage, or setting aside time to spend with my soon-to-be husband at the end of a busy day.

 Sarah’s Closing Thoughts:

 Being a ‘hustle queen’ can be an incredible thing, but don’t forget about yourself at the same time! The hustle is definitely something necessary in order to set big goals and reach big dreams, but we must all make sure that we never do it at the expense of our life’s enjoyment and happiness.

 It’s all about finding your balance!

Instagram: @24luxe_sarah

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