

Welcome to HustlePretty.Co Magazine. The edition where women are empowered through work ethic, self love, emotional intelligence, ambition, leadership, and all things hustle!

XO, Christi

Redefining The World of Fashion with Tiffany Parker

Redefining The World of Fashion with Tiffany Parker

To my loyal readers, I am more than happy to introduce you to this dynamite entrepreneur, Tiffany Parker. 

I was virtually introduced to Tiffany by a friend of mine who saw HustlePretty.Co and the message it aims to share and immediately told me that I HAD to get in touch with Tiffany. Taking him up on the recommendation (and shamelessly stalking Tiffany’s social media) I could see why she jumped top of mind. Tiffany is a force to be reckoned with as she strives to shatter the walls of textbook fashion rules, giving life to all those in the fashion industry and empowering them to embrace their individuality.

Below you will find the full interview I did with Tiffany in regards to her company, Parker Avenue.

 Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself and your career - i.e. business, entrepreneurship, side hustle, career(s), etc.

A: I am the owner of Parker Avenue, LLC. We create unique platforms for participants in the fashion industry (i.e models, designers, photographers, vendors, hosts, etc.). It started as a vision for a unique women’s boutique and then flourished into so much more. We are now focused on giving a voice to local designers and creating a platform in which their designs can speak loudly and authentically without conforming to the latest industry trends.

Q: What life advice would you give to your younger self and why?

A: Keep going. You’re on the right path, but maybe chill with the recklessness a bit. I’ve always been determined, creative and stubborn which makes for a hell of an entrepreneur, but the journey was definitely prolonged by some less than thoughtful decisions I made along the way.

Q: Do you have a mantra/ quote that you live by?

A: My mantra changes but is always based on a foundation of gratitude, strength, and love above all else….pure, non-judgmental, authentic love of self and others.

Q: What do you believe is the most powerful quality a person can bring into the work force and why?

A: Hmmm…ok this is tough and many may not agree but I think the most powerful characteristic would be transparency. In the work force and in business specifically, things just go a lot more smoothly when you are able to see exactly what you’re getting. Everyone can be useful. Even the angriest, laziest, most stubborn individual has purpose. Being transparent and authentic allows people to see where your true strengths AND weaknesses are.

Q: What daily habits/routines do you set in order to protect your feminine energy?

A: I meditate, do affirmations, and take moments to just breathe deeply. I protect my energy by taking care of myself and setting boundaries.

Q: What does self-love mean to you and how do you incorporate it into your hustle?

A: Ahhhhhh, self-love! Self- love is knowing you, accepting you, and constantly working to evolve the you that you’ve become accustomed to. I love me by pushing myself but also allowing myself to make mistakes, feel what I feel, say what I say, and do what I do without associating it all with a win or lose perception of self. In my hustle, I love others the way I want to be loved and in doing so it’s a constant reminder of the love I deserve from both others and myself. It’s a cycle.

Tiffany’s Closing Thoughts…

 I’d like to just say thanks for taking the time to ask about me and my business. You could’ve chosen anyone but you chose me and I am grateful for this. Much love. 

Oh and follow us on IG (@theparkerave) to see the next events that are in the works!

Instagram: @theparkerave @thetiffanyparker

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