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XO, Christi

Love & Relationship Advice with Celebrity Matchmaker Tammi Pickle

Love & Relationship Advice with Celebrity Matchmaker Tammi Pickle

I’m so excited to introduce you to celebrity matchmaker from Elite Connections, Tammi Pickle. If you’ve been flipping through a plethora of dating apps with nothing to show for it but a pint of Ben and Jerry’s and some new gray hairs, then hiring a matchmaker could be a refreshing route to take!

But before you do, enjoy a sneak peek below into Tammi’s 20+ years worth of expert advice so you can begin finding your perfect match today…

Be happy - Be internally content and happy. You can’t fill an internal void with a partner. You need to be fully content and fulfilled with your life to be able to make someone else happy. If you’re not happy, find out why. If you want to lose weight, hate your job, not over your ex, don’t have healthy outlets, then figure all that out before you commit to someone. Make yourself truly happy by changing things and get to a good place before trying to meet “the one.” 

Be ready to find “The One”- Always be ready to find “the one.” Never leave the house without looking and feeling your very best. Expect that you may run into “the one” at any moment. If you look and feel your best, then you will exude confidence and you will be more inclined to find your ideal partner. 

Get out there, you have nothing to lose- Take up a hobby and try something new. Agree to your friend’s offer to do something fun. Look into different events in your community and charities. Get out, mingle and meet new people. Always say yes and enjoy life. You never know who you could meet while having a great time. 

Be open minded- Don’t get stuck with a picture-perfect person in your head. No one is perfect and we need to be open minded about what we are looking for. Don’t be too critical of flaws because we all have them. Be open to the inner person because that’s what really matters. 

Try something new- If your friend wants you to meet someone, do it. If you want to try online dating, do it. Want to try a matchmaker, do it. Nothing will change unless you make a change. You’re not going to meet “the one” sitting on the couch. Be proactive and put yourself out there.  

First Impressions- You’re on a date. Always look and feel your very best. Don’t “save” that amazing outfit, wear it. Remember your date is just as nervous as you are. Be secure and confident in yourself. Try to get to know them as a friend. Open yourself up and help them open up too by asking about them. Look for similarities that you can connect on and build from there. 

Give someone a chance- I don’t know how many times I’ve heard, “They aren’t my type.” Well sometimes it takes time for people to open up and connect. If someone is asking you out again, give them a second shot. Remember, first dates are sometimes awkward and not everyone is at their very best. No one can really get to know someone after an hour meeting, so give someone a second chance. I’ve seen it hundreds of times, people truly get to know each other and then really fall for one another. 

Stop playing games- If you like someone, let them know. No three day rule, no games, just ask them out if you like them. Let them know you are interested and want to see them. Stop with all the texting, pick up the phone and call someone. Isn’t it so nice when someone calls you and shows effort in wanting to speak to you and get to know you better? It’s a nice feeling, so don’t be afraid to pick up the phone. They will appreciate it.

Get to know someone- Don’t go into getting to know someone with unrealistic expectations. Be open and go with the flow. Be friends first and everything else will fall the way it’s suppose to.

Communicate- You like someone. Don’t expect that you will hear from them every day. If a few days go by, don’t think the worst. People are busy and have lives. Don’t cut someone out just because they didn’t reach out to you as much as you wanted them to. If you want someone to know what you need, let them know. 

Have fun- Be yourself, be friendly and have fun. Be open about your life and your passions. No one wants to pull teeth in an attempt to get to know someone. You don’t know how many times I hear, “They didn’t ask me about myself.”  Make a friend and enjoy your life. One date at a time.

Tammi’s Closing Thoughts…

Are you single and don’t know where to turn? Using a matchmaker could be a safe, effective way to meet quality screened professionals that are looking for the same things you are. I have been a matchmaker for my family-owned company, Elite Connections, that has been in business for 27 years helping busy professionals find love!

Instagram: @TammiPickle @Elite Connections_ Website: eliteconnections.com

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