

Welcome to HustlePretty.Co Magazine. The edition where women are empowered through work ethic, self love, emotional intelligence, ambition, leadership, and all things hustle!

XO, Christi

Eat The Damn Cake! : An Interview with Shylo Bijold

Eat The Damn Cake! : An Interview with Shylo Bijold

Have you ever fallen so hard in life you wondered if you could ever stand again?

Heartbreaks, setbacks, unexpected circumstances…they find us all at some point or another, whether we want them to or not. And when they come they offer us two choices: rise or run.

It’s only when we choose to rise that we see the truth. And the truth is that these moments are here to sculpt us into unbreakable, stronger versions of ourselves. They’re placed in our lives to show us what is possible. And while it may seem all-consuming for a short period of time, they soon become memories where we look back with gratitude, give a wink and say “that’s right, I DID THAT!”

This fierce mindset of deliberately refusing to give up is what sets the successful apart. Your reality is always created by your design. So take the risks, find the opportunities, and yes in the words of our Comeback Queen herself- eat the damn cake!

I couldn’t think of a more inspiring figure than Shylo Bijold (seriously ladies, she’s a #mood!). As a successful 6-figure entrepreneur, public speaker and podcast host she has paved the way for thousands of women to overcome victimhood and conquer. If you’re ready to break the glass ceiling and become the leading Comeback Queen in your own story, then check out this powerful interview below!

Q: Tell us a little bit about how you got started in your current business/career. What inspired you to pursue it?

A: I fell into the entrepreneur world like most … I was desperate! The economy had just collapsed and my family and I were looking for additional income and a way for me to stay home while my husband worked on his business as well. I started out as a Dental Hygienist and it was not cutting it. I found my way into multi-level marketing but it was not my first time in the business world. I had many odds and ends. Had a house cleaning business in my early 20's and always had 2nd and 3rd jobs even in high school. I tried my hand at working at a bill collection agency (I hated it) and dabbled in Amazon affiliate ads? I had no clue what I was doing, but I tried. I was a hustler but with 3 kids and a busy family, I no longer could do the things I used to. So started the world of parties, meetings and online businesses. Eventually I failed so many times I reached the top of two companies and became a public speaker and trainer for thousands. I now have two vodcasts launched, a mentorship program, and will be releasing my book early 2022!

Q: I truly believe emotions can be powerful creative forces, which we often see exemplified in “comeback” stories. Do you have a comeback story that you attribute to being a pivotal part of your path to success?

A: I like to call myself the “Comeback Queen”. I have seen my fair share of tragedies and tough times but always, and I mean always, have come back on top and leading the pack. I have helped get out of serious debt more than once. I have fallen on my face publicly more times than I can count but manage to get up and be stronger than before.

Q: What life advice would you give to your younger self and why?

A: Be 100% accountable for all things.You are the answer to all your problems but also your solutions. There is no room for blame, only ownership. Trust your gut and be proud of yourself.

Q: What do you believe to be the most powerful characteristic a person can bring into the work space and why?

A: The ability to listen without the intent of an answer. Staying truly present in conversations and hearing instead of responding.

Q: What daily habits/routines do you practice in order to protect your feminine energy?

A: Every day and night is the same like clock work. I get up and make my bed! I do cardio and listen to self development or meditation while I walk. I take my supplements, shake and hit a meeting or Yoga sesh. Night time is all about learning French on my little app, listening to mediation and saying my prayers. Just a heads up, I say affirmations and prayers all throughout the day as well.

Q: What does self-love mean to you and how does your hustle nourish it?

A: Self love is filling your body with what it needs. Mentally, spiritually and physically. I love to meditate, relax and work out. I need these things to recharge and fuel myself. My routines and habits are a form of self love. I take care of this vessel because it takes care of me in all ways.

Q: For someone in a position right now where they feel like giving up on their goal, what is one piece of wisdom you would share with them?

A: Take small actions everyday towards your goal. You already are working toward it, take a breath and reassess. Make sure you have a mentor or coach to help you. Also remember when we feel resistance, it's the universe telling us to push harder. Do not be the person 3 feet from gold. Remember you may have to shift your perspective on the issue, not completely change. Or you may have to completely change to change …. My message is don't give up, you came so far.

Q: What’s your favorite quote?

A: Eat the damn Cake! It means live your life and say yes! “Shylo”

Q: Clearly you’re a strong woman! Tell us, how do you continuously build your confidence and resilience?

A: I take it day by day and work on ME! That is the only person I can change, heal, grow and improve. I do not focus on what others think of me or try to be like anyone but my highest self. I do a ton of self healing and work. I am finally at a place where I truly love me. It took years but that's a different story and article. For now, doing the work may be painful but it's worth it.

Shylo’s Closing Thoughts:

I am really looking forward to the New Year! 2022 is going to be life changing for so many. I encourage you to face your fears, take small steps each day and live your damn life. Stop putting off things, say YES! Do the trip, make the investment, wear the dress and seriously EAT THE DAMN CAKE!

Instagram: @itsshylo Facebook: Shylo Bijold Website: itsshylo.com

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