

Welcome to HustlePretty.Co Magazine. The edition where women are empowered through work ethic, self love, emotional intelligence, ambition, leadership, and all things hustle!

XO, Christi

The Truth About Being a Woman with High Standards

The Truth About Being a Woman with High Standards

If you’re a woman who’s been told your standards are “too high” then you’ve probably experienced the side effect of loneliness.

People naturally reject you because they know they can’t measure up to your expectations (of them and of yourself). They become insecure in your security. And in some cases, attempt to tear you down so you don’t dare see your own power and potential.

And when loneliness creeps in, it will most likely have you second guessing way deep down inside yourself —“are they right?”

It’s in this moment that I want you to remember....

1. No, they are not right.

Standards dictate every experience in your life. From the career you seek, the love you call in, the friendships you uphold, and the money you manifest. 

Standards cultivate the compass that allows you to live out your truth authentically, with happiness and fulfillment. 

Other people telling you what that should look like FOR you, should never be taken as a rule. It’s simply a recommendation that you can either choose to accept or deny.

2. You’re not missing out.

Say you bend on your standards because of looming loneliness. Now, envision that for a minute…

What would that experience look like for you? 

Dating that person you didn’t vibe with, going on a low-vibe vacation, accepting the career you felt you’d be suffocated in….

Just think about it. Would it be better than temporary loneliness to engage in low-quality experiences? 

More often than not, the mind glorifies what it can’t have.

When we tell ourselves “no” to abide by our standards, it’s important to remind ourselves we are really saying “YES!” to better. 

By removing the deprivation from this time of loneliness, you can rewrite the script and focus on the fact that the best has yet to come, better is just around the corner, and then visualize the beauty of it transpiring.

3. You have the space to create what you desire.

Almost all powerful female leaders that I’ve met have an unbending, unapologetic, and fierce set of standards they live by. In fact, that’s what brought them so much success. 

If you listen to their stories, most of these leaders have also experienced a moment like you are now — filled with some form of self-doubt and loneliness. 

The beauty in this reflection and awareness is that you can affirm and choose you and your desires all over again without hesitation. This is the perfect pause to re-strengthen your boundaries.

What you want to see, become it. Create it. Make your own manifestation. 

This is the magic formula almost all successful female entrepreneurs used to get to where they are today. They transformed a seemingly dark moment into one of massive, glowing success. It’s all in the choices you make today.

Therefore love, don’t waste another minute worrying about what’s next for you. Put all that energy currently consumed in self-doubt and pour it into creativity.

Become the artist of the life you desire....starting with the vibrancy of your standard palette.


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