

Welcome to HustlePretty.Co Magazine. The edition where women are empowered through work ethic, self love, emotional intelligence, ambition, leadership, and all things hustle!

XO, Christi

Why You’ll See a True Boss Lady Still Mopping The Floors

Why You’ll See a True Boss Lady Still Mopping The Floors

Even when you’re at the top, it’s important to still work as if you’re at the bottom. And that’s not to say the road to success has to be all struggle and strive, rather a reframe to preserve that sense of gratitude and aspiration one feels in the beginning stages. There’s so much beauty in that time that’s often missed as we get hyper-hooked into the “what’s next.” It’s the valleys that make the mountaintops taste even sweeter. So how can you capture this glamorous work-ethic and carry it with you in those peak moments?


Ah, the one that can’t be taught but makes the most impact.  This quality is dependent solely on you. Are you consistent with your motivation and drive? When you’re feeling lackluster, do you know how to get yourself reinspired? This is what it truly means to be independent — being the CEO of you. It is is YOUR hustle and YOUR dream, after all!

So how can you cultivate exceptional self-discipline? Reunite with your “why power”—why you started in the first place, the greater vision, the beyond surface-level impact you wish to make.  These are the pieces that should get your heart skipping all over again every time you reflect on them.  Make sure yours are in the forefront of your mind at all times.


Never being “too good” for a position is essential for success. The most successful people are the ones who are highly involved in the systems and fine details. They aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty, roll up their sleeves and fill in the gaps because they know the value each position brings to the totality of a business’ ecosystem. And who doesn’t love a person who’s dependable, someone who sees a job that needs to get done and they get it done? That’s a true power move!


Invest your time wisely.  Make your presence known and valued, this is key to earning authentic appreciation and respect. When you are in the workspace, make it known you’re there by being the hardest worker in the room.  Anyone can clock in the hours, but it’s how you work those hours that matters most. Always make sure that your hours look like gold!

Prioritize these three #bossbabe qualities and watch your success flourish…at any level. xo

Why The Healed Woman Makes For a Powerful Leader

Why The Healed Woman Makes For a Powerful Leader