

Welcome to HustlePretty.Co Magazine. The edition where women are empowered through work ethic, self love, emotional intelligence, ambition, leadership, and all things hustle!

XO, Christi

Take Center Stage of Your Life with Mrs. Tennessee 2023, Amy Rottero

Take Center Stage of Your Life with Mrs. Tennessee 2023, Amy Rottero

Have you ever struggled with believing in yourself, your dreams, or your potential?

Mrs. Tennessee 2023, Amy Rottero, is a powerhouse Queen trailblazing the way for women everywhere to start believing bigger for themselves. Her real, raw, and honest approach to confidence is a breath of fresh air in a society that’s constantly suffocating from perfectionism.

I fell in love with Amy and her incredible spirit when I came across a post she published from her recent stage performance (check it out here) that read: “Something really powerful happens when you work really hard and feel confident in your own skin. Wearing a swimsuit on stage will immediately force you to confront any insecurities that may be lurking in the shadows of your mind. Being confident means that you choose to love and accept yourself, and are comfortable showing up, and just having a little bit of fun without taking yourself too seriously. One of my favorite things so far about being in my 30’s is that I’ve learned how to better show myself some love, self acceptance, and own my essence without fear of anyone else’s approval or disapproval.”

The beauty of her words are just as beautiful as she is! As a wife, mother of three, successful business owner of Elysian Designs, and self-esteem advocate, her passion for infusing beauty into everything she comes across radiates. If you’re ready to take center stage in your own life by infusing more of that confidence, passion, and beauty, keep reading this inspiring interview!

Q: Tell us how you got started in pageants, what inspired you to pursue them?

A: I was a late bloomer to the pageant game. I competed in my first pageant when I was 35. I had devoted my 20’s to raising three kiddos, so I really wanted to focus on myself and challenge myself to do something out of my comfort zone.

Q: How do you desire to use your stage presence? What are you passionate about advocating for?

A: I am so passionate about young women having a strong, positive self image. I’ve worked in the beauty industry as a makeup artist, and I understand the pressure that women feel to look a particular way. I have always made it a priority to instill boundaries and a strong sense of self in my teenage daughters. It’s vital that young women — all women — allow themselves space to fall short, make mistakes, and still love themselves at the end of the day.

Q: I love your realness when it comes to cultivating confidence! How do you overcome moments of doubt, fear, and “perfectionism” that so many women struggle with?

A: Thank you! It’s all about positive self talk. I try and make sure that the little voice within my head is empowering me, and not criticizing me. We all have insecurities and moments of self doubt, but the important thing is that we move through it and be our own advocate the majority of the time.

Q: Clearly you’re a powerful woman! As a mother, business owner, and pageant Queen — how do you balance it all?

A:  I think making the most important things priority is essential. Being a mom is my top priority. I try to only take things on if I am committed to do it really well & I know that I have the space in my day for it. I also try my best to stay focused in the present moment as much as possible and not to stress over things that are out of my control. 

Q: As an incredible interior home designer & CEO of Elysian Designs, how do you use creativity to empower all aspects of your life?

A: I have always had an intense passion for beauty. I think that beauty inspires and elevates all of us. I love creating atmospheres that allow people to feel comforted and inspired in some way. I think this relates to all aspects of life as well. When we feel good in our own space, I believe we feel a sense of balance & confidence.

Q: If you could go back in time and tell your younger self one thing, what would it be?

A: Ah, great question. “It’s all about the journey and you can’t get it wrong. You are here to evolve and to expand. Mistakes are a part of that journey and they don’t define you.” 

Q: For someone in a position right now where they feel like giving up on their dreams, what is one piece of wisdom you would share with them?

A: This circles back to the importance of self image. How we see ourselves determines what we believe is possible for us. If you can see yourself having your heart's desire, you absolutely can!

Q: What’s your favorite quote / mantra?

A: Earth is a classroom, not a courtroom.

Amy’s Closing Thoughts:

I’m truly honored to share a little of my heart with you! We all have chapters of our lives that feel like we’ve really missed our mark, or failed in some way. It is never the whole story. Each of us have a gift to share with the world that is profoundly unique and so needed. Your passions are connected to your destiny. Follow them and they will lead the way!

Facebook: Amy Rottero

Instagram: @mrstennesseeamerica2023

Email: wingsoffaith11@yahoo.com

Mental Health, Sobriety, & The Heart of a Rebel with Danielle DiGrandi

Mental Health, Sobriety, & The Heart of a Rebel with Danielle DiGrandi